03.09.2020 11:38
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New UltraPure - Advancing competitive edge for biotech and pharma

New UltraPure - Advancing competitive edge for biotech and pharma

Alfa Laval UltraPure products boost pharma and biotech process efficiency, productivity and end-product quality. The new LKH Prime 10 UltraPure self-priming pump and upgraded LeviMag® UltraPure magnetic mixers also reduce total cost of ownership while ensuring more responsible use of resources for sterile processing applications. Both are also backed by the Alfa Laval Q-doc documentation package for full supply chain transparency.

“To improve manufacturers' ability to compete, the UltraPure portfolio optimizes pharma and biotech processes, pushing the boundaries of sterile production,” says Per-Åke Olsson, Industry Owner, Biotech & Pharmaceutical, Alfa Laval.

One aseptic pump, two duties

The LKH Prime 10 UltraPure is the most compact ever in the LKH self-priming pump range. Perfect for duties up to 35 m3 / h, it is primarily engineered for Cleaning-in-Place (CIP) return, but also transfers product in sterile processes. This delivers savings of up to 50% in capital expenditures and installation, and 30% in annual operating expenses.

Other advantages include:

- Up to 60% more energy savings than liquid ring pumps and up to 25% more than other airscrew pumps;

- A fully CIPable, EHEDG-certified hygienic design;

- 80% lower noise levels for a better working environment;

- Easy maintenance and streamlined spare parts inventory due to the common LKH platform.

Upgraded aseptic magnetic mixer

The upgraded Alfa Laval LeviMag® UltraPure broadens the scope of hygienic mixing. An optional ATEX / EEx motor and exotic alloys now enable use in potentially explosive and highly corrosive environments. In addition, it is easy and affordable to transform the old MagMixer UltraPure into the new LeviMag UltraPure in minutes without touching the tank.

Other outstanding benefits:

- Increased yield due to gentle product treatment and the ability to mix to the last drop, with optimized impeller geometry and 100% levitated design;

- Highest hygiene possible as the unique levitating impeller design eliminates product contamination from wear particles and secures full cleanability;

- Sustainable, low-cost operation: 40% higher pumping capacity and reduced energy costs and CO² emissions due to flow optimized impellers;

- Easy maintenance: Readily accessible wear parts take minutes to replace onsite.

Discover more about Alfa Laval bioprocessing solutions.

About Alfa Laval

Alfa Laval is a leading global provider of specialized products and engineering solutions based on its key technologies of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling. The company's equipment, systems and services are dedicated to assisting customers in optimizing the performance of their processes and are used in areas including the manufacturing of food, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, starch, sugar and ethanol.
Alfa Laval's worldwide organization supports customers in nearly 100 countries, via 42 major production units (22 in Europe, 10 in Asia, 8 in the US and 2 in Latin America). The company has over 17,000 employees, the majority of whom are located in Sweden, Denmark, India, China, the US and France.

Ньюсмейкер: Industrial News Service — 52 публикации
Сайт: ins-news.com/en/100/81/2708/New-UltraPure---Advancing-competitive-edge-for-biotech-and-pharma.htm


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