25.01.2018 09:55
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MRI Compatible Patient Monitoring Systems Market Growth rate, Future Analysis

The global MRI compatible patient monitoring systems market is growing, due to increasing installation of MRI devices. The increase in geriatric population worldwide is resulting in the growth of the global MRI compatible patient monitoring systems market, as the geriatric population is more susceptible to diseases, sickness and syndromes, due to less regenerative abilities. According to a United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA) report on the global aging population, the population of individuals aged 60 years or above is growing at a very high rate. In addition, with the increase in chronic disease cases, accurate diagnosis is needed for the prevention and treatment of such diseases; thus leading to increased usage of MRI scans for the diagnosis of chronic diseases. Moreover, the increase in prevalence of chronic diseases is likely to increase the demand for monitoring during scan, which is leading to increased demand for MRI compatible patient monitoring systems.

MRI scanners use strong magnetic fields and radio waves, in order to produce images of body structure for the diagnosis of various medical conditions. Any loose metal device in an MRI environment may get pulled towards the magnet, and could cause serious injury or damage. Hence, different countries have their respective regulatory agencies for the approval of MRI compatible devices.

Europe is witnessing growth in MRI compatible patient monitoring systems market, which is attributed to increasing geriatric population, high incidences of chronic diseases and growing awareness among healthcare providers for the usage of MRI compatible patient monitoring systems. According to the European Society of Cardiology, a non-profit health association, each year four million people die in Europe due to cardiovascular diseases, which is responsible for 47% death toll in the region.

Similarly, the Asia-Pacific MRI compatible patient monitoring systems market is expected to grow at the fastest rate during the period 2015 – 2020. According to the OECD, in 2002, the number of MRI units per million inhabitants in Japan was 35.32, which increased to 46.87 in 2011.

The key companies operating in the global MRI compatible patient monitoring systems market include Schiller AG, Bayer AG, MIPM – Mammendorfer Institut für Physik und Medizin GmbH, General Electric Company, IRadimed Corporation, and Koninklijke Philips N.V.

Ньюсмейкер: P&S Market Research — 6 публикаций


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